Monday, September 14, 2015

Surrender To Win

Wow! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Throughout it I have been thinking about how powerless I am in certain situations. When someone passes away you are completely powerless in that, no matter what, you can't bring that person back. It has been a reminder of just how precious and fragile life is. But the powerlessness of it reminds me of other struggles in life. When I realize that in some situations I have no control, I also have to remember that there is One that has all power; that one is God. I don't need to take on added stress. I need to turn it over to God  and allow Him to have control. If I give Him control and I trust and believe that His will is perfect for Me, even though it may hurt, I can have His peace in my life. Peace that passes all understanding even in the rough times. I can't, He can, I think I will let Him.

Taking it to the street: 1) Surrender your powerlessness to God.
                                    2) Bask in His peace when you do.

Pressing on with excellence!! Keith

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I don't know if I can even write this one. My brother Kevin died Aug 31, 2015. He will be greatly missed! We had a lot in common like NASCAR and outdoor activities. I found out over the weekend one thing that I did not know about my brother. He was a generous person. He helped people in their need. It was good for me to find that out. The big take away from last week was to make your time with the ones you love special. You never know when they will be gone. I was able to spend some time with my brother about a month before he died. We went up to MI for a week at the lake. We had one weekend together and I sure am glad Kevin decided to make some time for me. We all got together at my Mom's house and spent the day there. That was the last time I saw him alive. I thank my wife for thinking to get this picture. After that he called me from Michigan International Speedway when he was at a  NASCAR race. He held his phone out so I could hear the cars go by. That was the last time I talked to him. He made his last time with me special, whether he realized it or not. We don't have any guarantees in life, so make the moments you have count.

Taking it to the street:

1) Call and talk to someone you Love.
2) Better yet go and visit them and spend some time with them.

I miss you Brother
Pressing on with excellence!!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Un-ending Grace

Have you heard the song Drops In The Ocean by Hawk Nelson? This song is exactly what I have been needing. For some reason I forget how great is my need for forgiveness. How many times has God forgiven you? I think of how many drops are in a glass of water or a 5 gallon bucket. I suppose you could spend some time and figure that out, but you would never be able to count how many drops there are in the ocean! That is just like we would never be able to figure out how many times we need forgiveness. So many inadvertent sins. I cry when I hear this song because it reminds me of how great my need is for His forgiveness and How great His love is for me and not just me, you too!

Taking it to the street:
    1) Take some time to think about how much God really loves you!
    2) Reflect on how great God's Grace is for you!

Pressing on with excellence!!