Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Real Problem

Romans 8:6 says, "the mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the spirit is life and peace." (NIV) This was our life. Before we became Christ followers, we were dead to God and his ways and what he wanted to do in our lives for us and others. Now, we need to get into the habit of allowing the Holy Spirit to control our mind. The Holy Spirit is God and, if we allow him to control our mind, then we will have what we have been searching for all along; life and peace. When we have this we gain so much more than just peace. Because when you have this peace, then you treat others differently. You care more than you used to about them and their feelings and where they're at in life. You have less amends to make because if the Holy Spirit is controlling your mind then by default He's controlling your thoughts. If He's controlling your thoughts then He's controlling your actions and you will act differently and treat others differently. This Romans 8:6 has become my life verse. When I think that I have a problem, the problem that I have is not really the problem at all. The real problem is that I haven’t allowed the Holy Spirit to control my mind.
Pressing on with excellence!
Keith Smith