Monday, September 10, 2012


  Since we moved down here in GA in February I have met several people. I’ve met people at church and other venues here in Georgia. But meeting people and making friends are two different things. We have made some real friends while we’ve been here so far. Friends that help you out and watch out for you. We have had some financial difficulties and friends have helped out. Gone above and beyond what I would call the call of duty as a friend. What is the call and duty of a friend? Well let me tell you what some of my friends have been doing. When my daughters 13th birthday came around and I didn’t have any extra money for a great 13th celebration our friends took our whole family out to eat. They didn’t stop there they took us over to the bowling ally and covered two games for all of us. They didn’t stop there they also bought a DQ ice cream cake for us. They didn’t stop there they bought gifts for my daughter. Above and beyond. Since I’ve been looking for work I have a friend that has hand delivered my resume to the Human Resource Dept. He didn’t just do that he’s been hounding his boss to take a look at me. He didn’t stop there He has defended me when there was questions about my last job. Above and beyond. Do you have any friends like these? Are you a friend like this? I want to send out a very special thanks to all of my friends. I am so blessed to have you as my friends thanks so much may God greatly bless you all.
Pressing on with excellence!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Can't Compartmentalize

One thing I believe is that if you do not have a relationship with God, then by default you’re against him. What I mean is; it is no wonder why our defects of character, our relationships with others, and our lives are messed up. We were running opposite of God, getting further and further away from what we were really meant to be, ideally.
  It may not be intentional, but without His help it is impossible to continue to become better and better. Therefore you stagnate and are never able to progress further in any area of your life. Each area of your life affects one another. For example if you have a resentment against one person, then it will effect other relationships in your life. You may be intolerant to your wife or kids. It is impossible to compartmentalize different areas of your life from each other. One thing that is cool is, when you, with God’s help, start improving in one area of your life, it affects all the other areas of your life. For example, if you start improving in physical fitness it may effect how you feel about yourself and your self esteem. If your self esteem improves, you may be more tolerant with others. One of the most revolutionizing things in my own life, that held me back for so long, was unforgiveness of myself. I don’t think I realized that I had a resentment against myself (you know you have a resentment against yourself when you use the guilt club on yourself.) Anyway, when I started forgiving myself, I found that my relationships with others improved. I was able to overlook others wrongs and I drew closer to God which gave me more peace. 
Pressing on with excellence!