Saturday, May 25, 2013

Change your world III

So, going along with the same scripture we looked at in the last blog; Acts 8:9-24, and remembering our quest to have the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, we saw that Simon had pride and bitterness in his life that blocked him from the receiving the Holy Spirit. Why do you suppose the others didn't receive the Spirit? I'm not a theologian and I probably have more questions than answers so bear with me. Does this mean that, in order to receive the Spirit, I need to have someone lay hands on me to receive the Spirit? I don't find this to be biblical. When the Spirit first came nobody laid hands on anyone. Here's what I'm thinking; these people believed in Jesus but they were still following Simon. He had built up a following. Look at vs. 10 and 11 again. I think they were distracted by Simon. Just him being there took their focus off where it should have been. They placed their trust in a man, not in God. Translation; when we put our trust in anything other than God we have effectively shut the door on the Holy Spirit to work in our life. So what is your focus on? Are you being distracted? If so by what? What is it that you are focusing on whether intentionally or not?
Pressing on with excellence!!

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