Saturday, July 26, 2014

Together is better

We had a sermon on prayer tonight. Our pastor talked about the first church and how they prayed. That got me to thinking about the people in Belize that we met. First of all, we walked this village to pray with people and they were very poor. But there wasn't any prayer requests for any kind of material things, only for relationships and physical healing for others. Not one kind of material thing at all. No trying to manipulate God for this or that. Here are people so needy, yet they were not; they really knew what mattered most.
The second thing I thought about was the Spanish church service that I visited in Belize; where the first thing everyone did when they came into church was to go up front to the alter and pray. Can you imagine what would happen if all of God's children did that? It was a powerful service. I never thought of it before, but if God loves to hear his Children calling out, how does he feel when we do it unified together? I bet He really enjoys it. I'll bet it is like a concert to Him.
Taking it to the street:
1.) Pray
2.) Pray with others.

Pressing On with Excellence!!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


We all get off track once in a while. One of the things I do to get back on track is to practice excellence in the little things. Do more than what's expected, dig a little deeper and see what you can do to improve a situation. Do it without condemning others though, just because they are not practicing excellence. Most people don't and it is easy to slip into prideful thinking. Do the best you can and leave the consequences to God. In Mt 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" I think this applies to us as well. When I get off track spiritually I have noticed that I slack off in the little things and slip back into mediocrity. One of the quickest ways to get back on track is to practice excellence in the small things. Like when you empty a roll of toilet paper, put on a new one. Or, if you see some trash on the floor pick it up. Or putting the shopping cart back in the buggy parking space instead of leaving it in the parking lot. It is funny how doing this helps you to get back on track and stay on track spiritually. I think it has something to do with thinking about others first.
Taking it to the street:
1.) Ask God to help you to see the things where you are practicing mediocrity.
2.) Think of something you can do above and beyond the normal, then do it.
Pressing on with excellence!!

Friday, July 11, 2014


 We all are tempted. Even Jesus was tempted, so that is not new. But the question remains, how do you overcome temptation? Staying away from triggers can help, but I don't think that is the answer. It is good to think ahead and have a plan as to what you're going to do when you are tempted. Jesus overcame temptation by using verses from the Bible. That does work.The only problem with that is most people don't invest enough time in the Bible to have memorized it. So this can be a part of a pre-temptation plan; call it defense. The old football adage is: a good defense is the best offense. So, if we invest some time in God's word, it will give us something different to think about. If we memorize it, we build a strong defense by having it in the top of our minds. I'll give you an example. Lately, I myself have noticed a verse coming up while I've been reading the bible and again in a church service and again in a devotional. The verse was Ephesians 4:29, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen". So, I decided to memorize this verse and I've noticed some things that I've been saying that are not very wholesome. Also, I've been able to stop saying them before the words come out. So I may be tempted to say it but be able to hold my tongue. Ask God to help you overcome then take action by memorization.
Taking it to the street:
1.)  Invest some time in reading the bible.
2.) Memorize verses that God speaks
to you about.

Pressing on with Excellence!!