Saturday, February 23, 2013


  What makes someone a leader? What makes someone want to lead? What makes a good leader, and why? When it comes to leadership I wonder these things. Why did I choose not to lead? But yet I’m in a leadership role at home. I think that I put off doing some of that because I mostly was self-centered, Self focused and just plain indifferent. For so long before I came to Christ I lived a self-centered life. Even after I came to Christ I still was so self-focused. I had learned different ways to manipulate others. To get people to see things my way so that I could get what I wanted. I learned to pit people against each other to get my own way (my parents for example). I learned several different ways of conning people and these things became very habitual because I thought I needed them to survive as an alcoholic. These character defects were ingrained into me as a survival mechanism. Because really when you turn your back on God you have to take care of the things that He would normally handle. These attributes are not what you want to have when it comes to leading. A good leader is going to be self-less, and compassionate, and honest. A person that is concerned about others. These attributes will serve you better as a leader.
Pressing on with excellence!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Over the past few months we have been shopping for a house. Actually we made an offer on a house back in November. Anyway its been quite a process getting through financing. But last Friday we finally closed and moved in on Saturday. Though this time has been exhausting and sometimes frustrating I knew that this was the house for us. There were times when we wondered if we were even going to get it or not. I seen too many things not to believe that we would be here. One of the best things this house has done for me is to give me the confidence that we are really where God wants us to be. When you up root your family and move far away from home it's easy to question whether or not you made the right decision. Especially if you have been struggling financially as we have. I wouldn't have thought that moving was so stressful or that buying a house would be so stressful. I have been very tired lately and the kids have been crabby. I believe that it was caused by stress. In fact when we found out we for sure were getting this house the kids attitude has changed dramatically. I'm sure all of our attitudes have changed. I'm grateful that God has given us this home and look forward to our future here. I'm also grateful for the many new friends the I have made here!
Pressing on with excellence!
