Friday, May 10, 2013

Change Your World

 I've been trying to figure out what the key is to drawing upon the power of the Holy Spirit, because I'm convinced that if the power of the Holy Spirit was in our lives it would change our world. So, for the next few blogs we will explore this issue. I've written before about the fruit of the Spirit and I believe that these fruit are the what of the power; meaning, that if we have the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, and self control, that is how the power is manifested in our lives. So, what would your life look like if no matter what happened you had the fruit of patience. Can you imagine having peace most of the time? Or being kind and loving? How would your life look if you had goodness and gentleness, faithfulness, not to mention self control. See, if Christ followers had this power, and we do, it stands to reason that we are wasting our lives if we don't utilize it. This is not self help, this is a God intervention that allows us to be different from the world. So, we will explore what it takes to tap into His power. Are there things that we can do? Romans 8:6 is my life verse and I think it is the answer. But how do we do this? That is what I will be writing about over the next few weeks.
Pressing on with Excellence!!

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