Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Have you ever wondered why you are here? You believe God has lead you in this direction; but then things don’t work out the way you thought they were going to and you doubt that you were even supposed to be here in the first place. Am I so stupid that I can’t figure out what God wants? Or am I just blind to my own self deception, and self-centeredness? We wonder why God would allow us to get here only to washout, to fail; but we get no answers! Why? What were we thinking anyway? I have more questions than answers at this point and I don’t know if I should continue for fear of offending the Holy Spirit with my questions. I have learned some things again. The right here and now is ok. I have money in my pocket, food in the fridge, gas in my car, and a family that loves me. I am learning to be content with very little. I’m better off than five years ago asking the same questions only buried in debt. I have very little now. Back then I had stuff, but was in the red. I trust God. He has a plan, but sometimes He feels so far away. Why is that? I love you Lord. Please don’t let us fall or let us go.

Pressing on with excellence!


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